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Distorted Thoughts

Apr 29, 2019

How do you identify the distorted thoughts that hold you captive?
You use a slick little phrase/question that goes like this…
…And if that (distorted thought) were true what would that mean about you?
For example: I could never do that…
And if you could “never do that” what would that mean about you?
Well that would mean I was inept…
…And if you were “inept”, what would that mean about you?
That would mean I was ‘stupid…and if you were “stupid” what would that mean about you?
It would mean no one would like me. And if no one “liked you” what would that mean about you?
That would mean, “I am not enough”.
Bam! You hit the core, the mother lode of all lies, “I’m not enough”. Every distorted thought can be traced back to the FEAR of not being enough. Stay tuned to find out how to retrace your distorted thoughts and reform them into truth and face yourself.
Distorted Thoughts = Captivity     Truth Declarations = Freedom
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