MM slash DD slash YYYY
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(Please write in any style you desire and be as creative as you want. Detail any important aspects, accomplishments, highlights that you feel are important for me to know. Please send this with a recent picture if we are training by phone.)
We put up with, accept, take on, and are dragged down by people and situations that we may have come to ignore in our lives rather than fix them. Now is the time to identify those things that drain your energy for positive activities. As you think of more items, add them to your list.
You may or may not choose to do anything about them right now, but just becoming aware of and articulating them will bring them to the forefront where you’ll naturally start eliminating, fixing or resolving them.
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Place a value from 1-10 in each sector representing the degree of fulfillment you experience in each area.
We at Connexions strongly believe that we are each the creator and director of our own life drama, able to create “on purpose” what our life will look like, feel like, and be like.
It is your opportunity and responsibility to write the script, be the producer and director, and to gather the other characters in your life drama. Some people live
painful dramas or unfulfilling dramas, but if you are conscious and on purpose with what you want your life to be, it has a much greater chance of evolving into your
So how does one begin designing one’s life? First of all you can begin to revisit and remember dreams and desires from your younger years. What drove you? What did
you want to become? Who did you admire? Divide your life into thirds and ask yourself what accomplishments or happy events occurred in each third of your life?
What values were represented? Are those values still present?
Exercise: My personal lifestyle
Read through the following sentences and answer as if your life were exactly as you would like it to be. Let this be an accurate reflection of what you envision for
your ideal life. After you have completed all these pieces of your Personal Vision, you can write a summary paragraph that encapsulates all your intentions, desires
and values.
(spending time with, enjoying, teaching, working with, taking care of) my (spouse, partner, friends, family and/or children).
(nurturing, comfortable, a place for entertainment, on the water, spacious, have a home office, in the city, in the country, etc.)
(a cabin in the mountains, a seaside condo, a small restored Victorian home, a large, spacious home to accommodate visiting grandchildren and guests, a large motor home, a houseboat.
(world travel, politics, reading, writing, sports, gardening, martial arts,
(exercising, eating healthy foods, lowering my stress, meditating, etc.)
Exercise: My professional life
(fill in with niche or types of clients).
(spacious, comfortable, a home office, efficient, well-organized, etc.)
(earn a minimum of _______ per year, save 20% of my income, leverage my investments to retire at age ____ allow for 4 vacations a year, buy a retirement home, etc.)
(integrity, leadership, dedication to my clients, providing superior training and modeling for my clients, being known as an expert in my specialty, etc.)
Using the information you have gathered about yourself in the preceding exercises, write your personal Vision in paragraph from. You may do a rough draft and then polish it in the weeks to come.
What goals, aspirations, desires, and intentions do you want to accomplish in the first six months of mental fitness training?
What do you want to accomplish, change, or create in the first 30 days of mental fitness training?