Key Questions to ask Yourself?
- Do I relate to or attempt to relate to people in a controlling manner?
- Am I controlling with myself?
- Do I use control as a way to manage my discomfort?
- Do I control out of habit?
- Do I control when I am afraid?
- Who do I allow to control me?
- Do I use controlling...
What is Denial?
People often fall into the trap of The Four Big Distortions. When we choose to believe these distortions we feel sad and inadequate. These distortions are simply false.
The Truth is the exact opposite. When I choose to believe the Truth, joy, fullness, love, and hope will be the fruits. "By...
Distorted thoughts & false beliefs are erroneous conclusions we make about ourselves, others, life, our experiences, reality, and ultimately about our worth and safety. Distorted thoughts and false beliefs form when I experience a painful, uncomfortable, or traumatic experience and I choose...
ConneXions Classroom
Connexions provides many great services. One of our highlights is the classroom. The classroom provides students a place to learn in a group setting. Jodi Hildebrandt leads the class in a variety of topics including, family, 101, parenting, and experts topics.
Being connected requires three things: Consciousness, Education, and Vulnerability. Watch the video below to learn more!