These concepts and principles have provoked permanent life change for many, many people, on physical, emotional, spiritual and relational levels. You are about to take part in a very rigorous and inspiring experience. ConneXions Culture will instruct and train you in specific mental, relational, emotional skills which will empower you in your business culture, as well as in all your relationships. To gain the greatest benefit from this experience, be willing to do three things: 1) be vulnerable, 2) be emotionally honest, and 3) be personally responsible.
It is your responsibility, always, every time, to choose to live in integrity. When you think or behave in ways that are contrary to your integrity (who you really are), you create a conflict inside yourself. You invite “distortion/fear” to enter into your thoughts and confusion begins to be present in your life. It is here, at this crossroads (choice), that you have the opportunity to practice emotional honesty and personal responsibility by choosing to think and respond to what you know (Truth) instead of choosing to react to what you fear (distortion). By learning and choosing to live these principles you can live in a state of unconditional posititive regard for yourself, and share this knowledge with others. Learning these life skills creates connection and connection is what ALL people desire and need in their relationships.
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