Perceptions, Motives, & Agendas


Perception is EVERYTHING. Your perceptions determine your reality. The perceptions you choose to trust and reinforce within yourself will shape your life, mold your morals, and determine your outcomes. Choos­ing to perceive in distortion / drama enslaves you to the service of lies. Choosing to perceive in Truth (consciousness / choice) makes you free— spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Your motive and agenda is the emotional and spiritual energy (belief system) propel­ling your choices. This energy / belief system is underneath everything you think, feel, and choose. At the core of this energy is either the will­ingness (humility) to be 100% responsible for yourself, OR the unwilling­ness (lack of humility) to be responsible for yourself. On this hinge (the willingness to be responsible) your motives swing either into Truth or distortion.

​Specs: 11.5″ x 8.5″ Workbook with 112 pages, 1 DVD
Weight: 0.01 lb., 0.2 lb.

Workbook Only: $21.00
DVDs Only: $11.00
Bundle: $26.00

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Perception is EVERYTHING. Your perceptions determine your reality. The perceptions you choose to trust and reinforce within yourself will shape your life, mold your morals, and determine your outcomes. Choos­ing to perceive in distortion / drama enslaves you to the service of lies. Choosing to perceive in Truth (consciousness / choice) makes you free— spiritually, emotionally and physically.
The way you perceive (give meaning to) your experiences, yourself, and other people is based on 1) your core beliefs about yourself (Truthful or distorted), and 2) your choice to keep or change your core beliefs.
Every person on the planet has the ability, if they are aware, to conscious­ly choose how to perceive their experiences. And, if you are unaware of your perceptions, your brain will “automatically” perceive your new experiences for you, according to whatever your core beliefs are about yourself and your world (ultimately, your worth and your safety). Thus, your distorted thoughts and false beliefs will be reinforced, and you will be “set up” to perceive in more distortion in your next experience.
Or, you can choose to be conscious—to be curious and responsible by in­vestigating your perceptions, asking questions about them, and finding out if they are The Truth or not. When you choose to live in the Truth, dis­tortions will no longer be a part of your perceptions or your life. You can choose to live in distortion (optional pain) or in Truth (peace)! It’s up to you! So be wise and proactive—choose to be responsible for your percep­tions, by reframing them into the Truth.

Your motive and agenda is the emotional and spiritual energy (belief system) propel­ling your choices. This energy / belief system is underneath everything you think, feel, and choose. At the core of this energy is either the will­ingness (humility) to be 100% responsible for yourself, OR the unwilling­ness (lack of humility) to be responsible for yourself. On this hinge (the willingness to be responsible) your motives swing either into Truth or distortion. And whichever direction your motives point (Truth or dis­tortion), your perceptions, meanings, interpretations, emotions, choices, and outcomes follow. The energy of your motives creates the “themes” of your life, whether in Truth (honesty, responsibility, peace, love, virtue, serenity, freedom) or distortion (dishonesty, irresponsibility, fear, hatred, vice, denial, discord, enslavement).
For example: I pick up a nail in my car’s tire. I take my car to a particular tire shop because I trust the technician there. I tell him I need my tire repaired, and I need to be on the road again by 7:00pm. As he works, he asks me repeatedly, “How much time do we have?”

In this example, the repairman’s motive is not “to get the job done by 7:00pm”—that is the outcome. His motive is the underlying energy of why he wants that outcome. His motive could be compliance (self-den­igration / self-adulation)—to make sure he makes the customer happy so that he won’t “get yelled at” (selfish / distorted). Or his motive could be perfectionism (self-adulation)—to finish the job by 7:00pm to “prove” that he is “the best.” Or his motive could be in Truth: he could be moti­vated by the energy of empathy. In this case, his repeated question “How much time do we have?” is motivated by an energy of connection—of re­spect, empathy, honor and understanding for the other person, and genu­ine desire to give (connect) to them.

Another way to think of motives is like a musical vibration: if you make a loud musical tone near a guitar string, the string will begin to resonate at its natural frequency without being plucked. Likewise, your experiences cause (trigger) you to resonate with the energy of your motives—either distortion or Truth. You have an experience, and you perceive, interpret and respond/react to that experience according to the “tuning” of your spirit. If you are full of fear, dishonesty, irresponsibility and lack of hu­mility (distortion), you will react in fear, dishonesty, irresponsibility, and lack of humility (distortion). If you are full of empathy, honesty, respon­sibility and humility (Truth), you will respond with empathy, honesty, re­sponsibility and humility (Truth).
Experiences—both comfortable and uncomfortable—will continue to come your way. And you will respond or react to them according to the underlying motive / energy / belief system that you are most familiar with—either personal responsibility (Truth) or irresponsibility (distor­tion).

You must be willing (humble) to see / know your motives—especially the ugly, distorted motives you don’t want to acknowledge or want to avoid. The motives you unconsciously hold are very likely to be in distortion. Be willing (humble) to recognize your distortions so you can be conscious and responsible for them. Once you know what is motivating you, you can change what is motivating you. If you choose to look at yourself, then every experience can show you your motives, which you are always re­sponsible for.

You choose what motivates you. The gift of agency constantly invites you to choose; you are NEVER locked into either mindset—distortion or Truth. Therefore, you may choose to engage either distortion or Truth whenever you desire. However, you cannot control the outcomes that fol­low the choices you make. Outcomes are set—if you choose motives in Truth, you will experience PEACE. If you choose motives in distortion, you will experience OPTIONAL PAIN. You get to choose!

Additional information

Weight 0.82 lbs
Dimensions N/A

Bundle, DVD, Workbook


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