Shame Statements
Self-denigrating attack on your spirit.
- I’m not enough
- I should / shouldn’t
- Good people don’t … (If I were really good I wouldn’t …)
- If I just try harder, then …
- I don’t deserve
- I’m different from others
- I’m unique
- I should have what I want
- I need others to make me feel better
- If you loved me, you would / wouldn’t …
- I’m not loved
- I’m all alone
- I’m not lovable / I don’t deserve love.
- Nobody likes you.
- You are not as good as others
- You are the only one who has made this mistake
- You can’t do it right
- I’m better than others.
- I’m smarter.
- I’m the exception.
- I’m more / better / stronger than …
- I deserve … (beauty wealth, you, what I want)
- I’m different / unique
- Cutting in line
- I can’t change / this is just how I am.
- I’m bad.
- If others knew the truth about me, they would see how bad I am.
- You’re a bad parent.
- I am dumb / stupid / incapable.
- There’s something wrong with me
- I’m a mistake.
- You’re worthless.
- Quit. Give up.
- There’s no coming back from what you’ve done.
- You can’t do this
- Nobody cares about you
- You are not as significant as other people.
- You need to prove that you’re “enough” by getting this right
- When you do ____, then you’ll be enough / happy / fulfilled.
- You have no needs
- Your needs aren’t important
- Your needs are the only thing that matters
- You get to do whatever you want, to meet your needs
- If they loved me, they would / wouldn’t …
- If I made more money, then I’d be enough.
- If my hair wasn’t so straight / curly / blonde / if I had more hair
- I’m old / wrinkled / I look weathered —I’m just not enough.
- Something’s wrong with me because I / they / we …
- I broke up a relationship / got divorced, and that means I am (or they are) bad
- I didn’t get invited, which means something is wrong with me.
- I can’t have _____ because I’m bad.
- If I were just better, then I could have ______. It means I’m bad.
- Because I don’t have certain friends, it means I’m not lovable.
- I hate myself.
- If you can’t do it perfectly, it’s not worth trying or doing.
- Mistakes are bad.