Past ConneXions Classroom Workshops

In-Depth Workshops.

Workshop recordings are an excellent introduction to ConneXions Classroom, as well as extremely beneficial as companions to the corresponding workbooks and DVDs. Workshops were recorded during the end of 2013 and early 2014.

Topic Workshop Series

Shame, Addiction, Faulty Core Beliefs & Denial

Do you frequently feel “bad” or “not enough”? Do you feel less than or better than others? Are there things in your life or the lives of loved ones which you wish could or would “just disappear?” This powerful workshop will give you insight into why these feelings and needs pervade your life. It will also arm you with tools to address—and heal—your faulty beliefs and feelings of shame.

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Next Live SessionDates: TBA Time: TBA

Drama, Co-Dependency & Boundaries

The trauma of shame and chaos of addiction produce several damaging side-effects. Relationships are afflicted with dramatic contention. In desperation, we make others responsible for our wants and needs. We might feel guilty when we advocate for ourselves, or we may feel that we’re being walked on or feel out of control or overwhelmed in our relationships. This 6-week workshop series is for those who attended the Shame & Addiction workshop previously. This series builds on the foundational concepts of shame and the addiction cycle by concentrating on a range of issues that surround and support shame-based behaviors and addiction.

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Next Live SessionDates: TBA Time: TBA

Anger, Fear, Triggers, Control & Surrender

Anger and fear are powerful motivators — and powerful demotivators. In fact, anger and fear are the very things that trigger us into shame, faulty core beliefs, self-loathing, negative self-talk, self-sabotage, addictions and ALL TYPES of destructive behaviors. Your anger and fears are not “bad.” They are a gift, to keep you safe from danger. However, they can become debilitating when the objects of your angers and fears are not based on reality. This powerful workshop will give you insight into why these feelings pervade your life.

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Next Live SessionDates: TBA Time: TBA

Special Workshops

Addiction by Shame, Recovery by Choice

(July 2, 2014)

This 1-hour workshop was especially for ecclesiastical / religious leaders and family members of those who have addictions. We talked at length about where shame originated and how to help an individual recognize it. In this workshop, we discussed the concept of shame from an explicitly religious context. This crash-course on shame and addiction will provide you with powerful paradigms and teaching tools to inoculate your congregations against the malignant, addiction-causing effects of shame, and to support those who are struggling with addictions. Because pornography is such a problem in so many families and so many congregations, we will spend significant time talking about pornography and lust addiction in particular. Protect your people from the pernicious effects of pornography and other addictions by learning where addictions come from and why so many of us hang on to our addictions.

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Next Live SessionDates: TBA Time: TBA

Fear: The Final Frontier

Every one of us experiences fear. A faulty perception leads to shame and fear based on things that are not the reality of our situation. When we perceive and experience fear in these manners, we are shackled and disabled rather than protected from real danger. In this intensive, information-packed webinar, you’ll learn how faulty core beliefs (shame) drive so many of our faulty (toxic) fears. You’ll learn practical strategies to overcome fear by recognizing its true (and faulty) underlying causes. Once you identify it, you have power to change it!

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Next Live SessionDates: TBA Time: TBA