Anger, Fear, Triggers, Control & Surrender


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Dates: POSTPONED — Dates TBA

Time: TBA

Anger and fear are powerful motivators — and powerful demotivators. In fact, anger and fear are the very things that trigger us into shame, faulty core beliefs, self-loathing, negative self-talk, self-sabotage, addictions and ALL TYPES of destructive behaviors.

Your anger and fears are not “bad.” They are a gift, to keep you safe from danger. However, they can become debilitating when the objects of your angers and fears are not based on reality.
This powerful workshop will give you insight into why these feelings pervade your life.

The good news is that your anger and fears are perfect windows into the root causes of your destructive behaviors. This powerful workshop will arm you with tools to address—and heal—the very underlying causes of destructive habits, by going through the “window” of anger and fear. The “recovery” strategies you’ll learn include:

  • Why anger is necessary, and how it can be a positive tool
  • Why we develop fears and triggers
  • How to use triggering situations as opportunities for positive change
  • How and why relationships matter in recovery
  • What “emotional safety” is, and why it’s crucial for your process of developing joy
  • How to deepen trust for yourself and your relationships


Control vs. Surrender:

We will be presenting the topics for each workbook in a live interactive lecture/webinar format.

Prior to each meeting, you’ll receive an email with instructions to join us in our online classroom and begin your participation.


Jodi Hildebrandt

ConneXions Coach

System Requirements

  • Mac, Windows, Android or iOS device.
  • Microphone
  • Webcam
  • High-speed Internet Connection

Supporting Curriculum

In this workshop, we will make use of the following ConneXions Curricula:

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