Conquer Fear in 5 (Awesome) Steps

“Oh no, anything but that!” We all have particular things that frighten us, embarrass us, freak us out, give us a huge day-wrecking dose of adrenaline, or seem to mean that our world is coming to an end. Maybe you have situational fear around public speaking, dating,...
Choose to Connect!

Choose to Connect!

Disconnection is the spiritual, emotional, societal, familial and even medical problem of our era. More than ever before: there are innumerable things to choose among the “things” clutter our learning and perceptions (our “reality tubes”) and distract our perceptions...

Fireworks & Freedom

I love fireworks. But I’ve always thought it a little odd that we light things on fire in honor of our nation’s founding. A couple of years ago, I learned a remarkable reason why we do this. I had the pleasure of watching Independence Day fireworks from...