Healing Addictions Through Connection

Healing Shame Heals Addiction


Shame underlies every addiction and destructive behavior. Its voice is universal and insidious. We all hear statements such as “you’re not enough,” “you’re too fat,” “they think you’re stupid,” “you shouldn’t have to listen to anybody,” “you’re fat, dumb, lazy, too short or too tall, inadequate, and not good.” Shame is not helpful. It supports us to do the very things we feel shame for doing. This is because it convinces us that we are, in fact bad, incapable, unworthy, inescapably broken, and so forth. Healing shame heals all addictions. It truly does. Everything in the ConneXions courses are the tools to heal shame.

Healing Addictions Through Connection

Shame is the counterfeit of guilt. It is based on lies and founded on emptiness. Shame convinces us that we have no value. Indeed, it could be said that this lie about human worth is the father of all other lies. From this belief flows all of our self-obstructing fears, our feelings of inadequacy, our self-inflicted emotional anguish, our false pretenses about our abilities, our self-destructive habits and all of our damning addictions. Shame fuels pride, enmity, hatred and violence. Our online ConneXions Courses are a series of educational courses designed to help you identify sources of shame in your life, realize the power of choice within you, and overcome the fears that bind you. Our other educational materials and our professional counseling echo the same principles. The truth is that every human being has unqualified, absolute, unchanged value and worth. Every soul is precious. Every person also has enormous untapped potential. The good news is that the moment any person begins to believe the truth about their value as a being, regardless of their past or present actions, they immediately begin to heal from their shame. By healing the shame in the person’s core belief system, all the above damage begins to come undone. Healing shame addresses the root cause of all addiction and self-destruction. The person can then be unchained from addictions, freed of false pretenses, and healed of anguish. The truth, as it begins to pervade our souls, eliminates the encumbrance of fear, adds strength to our inabilities, and explodes all of our previous assumptions about ourselves. Truth gives us freedom. It works every time. We must be willing to live in the truth, and there are specific tools that will enable you to do so. Living a “lifestyle of recovery” means:

  • A willingness to become impeccably honest,
  • A commitment to be rigorously responsible for yourself, your choices, and the outcomes thereof, and
  • A consistent determination to be humble.

These principles work. They are true. They will prepare the heart of any person to receive the truth about their worth, to receive the truth about others, and to begin to live in love again, both for self and for others. Applying these three key principles requires fervent desire to change, loving and consistent guidance, and protracted effort. ConneXions exists as a tool to empower, teach, guide and assist those who want to apply these three principles of change into their lives. The whole focus of our courses is to teach you to become honest so that you can live in reality, responsible so that you can enjoy reality, and humble so that you can understand reality. Because only reality offers the unending truth, love, joy, and peace you seek. ConneXions is a series of online (e-learning) courses, which will arm you with concepts, tools, and power to change your thoughts, feelings and actions to align with the truth and with God. When any person is willing to try the veracity of these things, healing from addiction and all destructive behaviors is possible. Healing is our mission, and this is our promise. ConneXions courses are taught by Jodi Hildebrandt, LPC, MS. Jodi has over a decade of experience in the field of addiction recovery. She has developed a unique approach to counseling, with a focus on shame, choice, and personal accountability. ConneXions courses are educational programs, not individual therapy. We offer individual, family, and couples therapy in addition to ConneXions, and we encourage all to seek the level and type of individual help they need in their journey towards integrity, responsibility, love, freedom, and connection.