Bill of Rights

Because you are a human, you have rights and roles and responsibilities, and therefore, you have boundaries. Boundaries are related to your rights as a human being—in fact, boundaries can be written as statements of rights, i.e. “I have the right to …” Following are 100 example boundaries, in the form of statements of rights. It is a good idea to create your own personal bill of rights / boundaries that address your shame messages / Faulty Core Beliefs.

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Bill of Rights (Boundaries)

  1. I have the right to think and believe in the ways that I choose and that are true for me.
  2. I have the right to speak my beliefs and be heard.
  3. I have the right to care for myself and love myself.
  4. I have the right to validate myself and be validated by others.
  5. I have the right to defend myself & my family, physically, emotionally & spiritually.
  6. I have the right to say “no.”
  7. I have the right to choose what I want and what I will do with my time.
  8. I have the right to make mistakes and try new things and be imperfect.
  9. I have the right to clean up my messes and be forgiven by self and others.
  10. I have the right to choose who I will have relationships with and how intimate I will be with each relationship.
  11. I have the right to feel my feelings.
  12. I have the right to express anger, fear, grief, & all of my feelings, & to validate myself.
  13. I have the right to end relationships—any relationships.
  14. I have the right to be told the Truth and to be honored and respected as a powerful, good, capable, responsible, loving, lovable soul.
  15. I have the right to hold myself accountable and make and keep commitments.
  16. I have the right to choose how I will educate myself.
  17. I have the right to work.
  18. I have the right to give to others.
  19. I have the right to provide for myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually, to the best of my ability.
  20. I have the right to defend children & all who are vulnerable & cannot defend themselves.
  21. I have the right to nurture my body, mind, and soul.
  22. I have the right to spend time and money and attention on myself.
  23. I have the right to personal privacy (nudity).
  24. I have the right to stand up to compulsion, force, evil, and aggression.
  25. I have the right to teach others how to treat / interact with me.
  26. I have the right to share myself with others.
  27. I have the right to heal my spiritual, physical, and emotional wounds.
  28. I have the right to let go of rage & hatred.
  29. I have the right to forgive myself and others.
  30. I have the right to overcome my fears.
  31. I have the right to order & educate my mind.
  32. I have the right to change my mind.
  33. I have the right to change my life, my interests, my pursuits, my goals and my plans.
  34. I have the right to learn from my choices.
  35. I have the right to learn from my experiences.
  36. I have the right to affect people.
  37. I have the right to improve my surrounds (build, make, decorate, clean, etc.)
  38. I have the right to my creativity and expression of my ideas.
  39. I have the right to choose where I live, work, visit, etc.
  40. I have the right to manage my physical body and choose where I will physically go / be.
  41. I have the right to leave toxic situations, and to leave interactions for any reason.
  42. I have the right to not accept / tolerate manipulation or invalidation.
  43. I have the right to take risks physically, emotionally and spiritually.
  44. I have the right to talk to God or my Higher Power.
  45. I have the right to develop my own relationship with God or my Higher Power.
  46. I have the right to my opinions.
  47. I have the right to have and express my preferences, likes & dislikes, etc.
  48. I have the right to surrender others’ choices—not to control others.
  49. I have the right to surrender uncomfortable experiences.
  50. I have the right to “start again.”
  51. I have the right to humble myself.
  52. I have the right to be impeccably emotionally honest.
  53. I have the right to not be controlled or dictated to by other people.
  54. I have the right to choose my own ways of doing things.
  55. I have the right to choose my own diet.
  56. I have the right to choose my own clothing and grooming and style.
  57. I have the right to challenge my shame messages—to not be dictated to or enslaved by shame—to heal it and not listen to it.
  58. I have the right to be happy and joyful.
  59. I have the right to find and connect with validating, honest, safe people.
  60. I have the right to choose how I view and identify myself.
  61. I have the right to choose my thoughts, feelings, motives and actions.
  62. I have the right to become self-aware, clear and centered.
  63. I have the right to not be abused or attacked, and to remove myself from abuse.
  64. I have the right to show up as a responsible, masculine man or a responsible, feminine woman.
  65. I have the right to try new things.
  66. I have the right to fail.
  67. I have the right to persist.
  68. I have the right to learn.
  69. I have the right to succeed.
  70. I have the right to talk about myself.
  71. I have the right to validate others
  72. I have the right to hold others accountable and ask for (and expect) honesty and clarity in my relationships.
  73. I have the right to ask questions.
  74. I have the right to “do my own thing” even when others choose to be angry or fearful around me and my choices.
  75. I have the right to be responsible for myself and my own choices and my own outcomes in life.
  76. I have the right to expect cleanliness of self and others.
  77. I have the right to my expectations.
  78. I have the right to go skydiving.
  79. I have the right to point out people’s dishonesty, drama and distortion.
  80. I have the right to parent my own children in the way that’s true for me and for them.
  81. I have the right to be silly, relax, and have fun and enjoyment.
  82. I have the right to find peace, truth and serenity.
  83. I have the right to not ever shame myself.
  84. I have the right to feel guilt, remorse and grief.
  85. I have the right to be vulnerable emotionally, physically and spiritually.
  86. I have the right to trust God or my Higher Power.
  87. I have the right to manage my finances responsibly and honestly.
  88. I have the right to conduct my business / work with integrity.
  89. I have the right to take pride in my work and in my accomplishments.
  90. I have the right to compliment myself.
  91. I have the right to share my time, talents, money, and heart whenever, however, and with whomever I choose.
  92. I have the right to sing—off-key if I want to!
  93. I have the right to not perpetuate family secrets and family patterns of shame and distortion.
  94. I have the right to tell my secrets and come out of hiding.
  95. I have the right to ask for help.
  96. I have the right to admit I’m wrong or that I need help.
  97. I have the right to not know the answer.
  98. I have the right to be overwhelmed or confused.
  99. I have the right to my boundaries!
  100. I have the right to not be responsible for anyone else’s emotions, thoughts, or choices.
  101. I have the right to tell others how they affect me.
  102. I have the right to experience my life with vulnerability—without judging my experiences as bad or scary or wrong. This is freedom.
  103. I have the right to find out who I truly am, and to be / become who I truly am.

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