The willingness to forgive is a spiritual leap of faith. When I feel offended and/or have been abused, wronged, misunderstood, labeled, judged, falsely accused, gossiped about, etc., it takes a strong and mature Soul to forgive. But remember, forgiveness is for me! The purpose of forgiveness is to get the toxins and hatred out of my Soul so I can be free of the shame, anger and resentments I feel so entitled to carry around. It is erroneous to believe that if I stay angry and resentful, I will protect myself from ever having “them” hurt me again. That is a lie. The Truth is, by carrying shame, anger and resentment with me, I make myself more vulnerable to additional pain and hurt entering into my system and accosting me. I need to let go of the illusion that “they” have hurt me. Remember: they have no capacity to access me (the Soul); they only have power and influence to affect my body, my environment, my circumstances, etc. I must learn to let go and surrender the emotional reaction I have to the “illusion” of what someone has done to me. That is what true and complete forgiveness is about.
Other Related Topics:
Humility, Forgiveness, Connection, Love, Myths & Truths About Forgiveness
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