
The power of choice is the most incredible power humankind possesses. No matter who you are, where you have been or what you’ve done, you do have the great power to choose within you. Addictions, disconnection and shame limit your access to this power, but it is there. When we appreciate, connect with and activate the true power of choice within each of us, we can change everything about ourselves and then our circumstances. Paradoxically, recognizing our powerlessness over ourselves and our environments, and surrendering that powerlessness to our God or Higher Power is the beginning of our ability to access the power of our choice, and to change our internal thoughts, feelings, perceptions and choices. As we do so, our external circumstances also change through the power of our choices.

The Truth is, we are responsible for every choice we make and every outcome which follows. Therefore, our circumstances are, in one sense, the sum total of all the outcomes of all our choices throughout our lives. As we choose to be responsible with the supernal power of choice, we become empowered to change ourselves, love others, build, create and prosper ourselves and others. Through choice we become truly, deeply connected with self, others and ultimately with God or our Higher Power.

Other Related Topics:

Empowerment, Love, Repentance

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